No agency fee
Whole of German speaking Switzerland
Lüscher‘s HappyNannies
Yes - we are familiy!
Looking for a nanny?
Lüscher’s Happy Nannies offers recruitment and
placement services for nannies and substitue grand-
mothers. We promote a family image that, unfortunately,
is no longer commonplace, but includes the integration
of the grandparents into active family life!
This means three generations under one roof!
Nannies and retirees are often looking for a
diversification of their daily routine, and therefore
creating a better balance in their daily lives.
Thus, Lüscher’s Happy Nannies’ mantra is:
The integration of grandmas/grandpas
and nannies into family life!
On the other side of the coin, there are also many
families,who are similarly searching for a HappyNanny.
For financial reasons, both parents must work regularly
in many families. In these cases, the children must be
cared for under different circumstances.
Unfortunately, many day-care facilities are booked out
for months in advance. Lüscher’s HappyNannies fills
this gap and insures, through their services, that
families can be certain their darlings are taken
care of, simply via another form of day-care.
As compensation for this, HappyNannies are integrated
into the family and receive a fair wage.